We are a whitewater rafting club based in Spokane, Washington. Our goal is to promote whitewater boating, safety, and conservation. We’ve been around since 1989 – now over 30 GREAT years and counting – helping educate and unite river runners across the Inland Northwest.

Northwest Whitewater Association members are self-outfitted, private recreational boaters that share a common interest in floating the great rivers of the Pacific Northwest — and beyond. Membership is a mere $25 per year for families and kids 18 & under gets you involved in floats and events on local rivers, prizes and more.

Our membership has knowledge of whitewater boating and rivers that is among the BEST you’ll find — ANYWHERE.  Name a river and likely someone’s “been there, done that” right side up or upside down and have some souvenir to display wen telling their story. Our people probably know when to go — and more importantly when NOT to.

We know shuttles, the good and bad and the UGLY!.

Want to learn how to run an oar-powered boat? You’ve found the people to help  just tagging along with one of our many experienced river pilots.  

Looking for company after scoring that long-sought-after permit? Likely there’s someone you can find to be your co-pilot.

Trying to figure out what kind of equipment you need to safely enjoy the hundreds of rivers and creeks in our region? You’ve found the people who can provide solid advice.

Now you know just a little bit about who and what we are and do. Next step is yours to become a member, or at least stop by a meeting and see for yourself.

NWA meetings are generally held every 1st Wednesday of the month at  Jack & Dan’s Tavern— voted one of America’s Top-10 sports bars by Sports Illustrated. J & D’s is at the corner of Hamilton and Sharp in Spokane.

NWA is now proud to be an affiliated club with American Whitewater, which promotes river access, safety and more. Learn more by visiting: northwestwhitewater.org or on Facebook at Northwest Whitewater.





From mild to wild...welcome to N.W. Whitewater Assoc.!

Events & activities:

Here are more river-related  items that may be of interest?

Watch this space for news and information on NWA and other activities and other whitewater news. Submit content to: nwarafterinfo@gmail.com.

Next NWA meeting Wed.,April 2

Come and meet the members who make up the NWA. To RSVP or for questions contact Paul text/phone (509) 220-8018 or email.

Other river info:Visit the Spokane River Water Trail

The Spokane River Forum has formulated mile-by-mile information on the Spokane River which allows you to explore this amazing waterway. Learn more by CLICKING HERE.

Canoes & kayaks anyone?

If inflatable boating is not your passion, be sure to check out the Spokane Canoe & Kayak Club by CLICKING HERE.

Check out the Whitewater Guide Book

Visit the Whitewater Guide Book for interesting news and info on our sport. CLICK HERE.

Join American Whitewater

Learn more about the American Whitewater Affiliation who fight for river access. CLICK HERE.




La Niña this winter? There have been some important changes

We’ve been expecting a La Niña to form and influence our winter weather in Michigan and across the U.S. There are some significant changes to the development of La Niña compared to forecasts over the past few months.Read more HERE.